Thursday, June 20, 2013

Mustard Seeds


  Hey ya'll ( I imagine I will be keeping that term on the "down-low" for the next 5 weeks..). Today is the day! In eleven hours I will be stepping on the plane and LEAVING America. For those of you that barely flinch when those words leave your mouth, congratulations. For those who are like me and find this idea to be the equivalent of leaping off a large cliff, well then you know how I feel.
I have always been the home-loving kind. There is something about home and it's welcoming details that ease every part of your mind even in the midst of chaos; or at least this is what home has become to me the older I get. Five weeks in an unfamiliar place is something that strikes a chord and causes anxiety to some extent.

 Let's be real, whether or not you are a fellow peer and are joining me on this trip or just a familiar face peering into my adventure, things like this cause spouts of anxiety. However, God is bigger than any fear we could ever encounter...When the days come that I'm lost in Ireland (I hate maps...) or messages from home bring about moments of homesickness..well God is there. He tells me to cling tight to his word and "do not be afraid". Heck, I even had that bad boy permanently inked on my wrist to remind me of my Father's protection over me every single day. With anxiety creeping up on me, my Da (my synonym for grandma) gave me a gift to remind me about how big of an impact even trace amounts faith can have. Yesterday, she gave me the gift of a mustard seed necklace; engraved on it's rim were the words, "all things are possible". In the Bible, Jesus said “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.Even when my faith is as small as a mustard seeds, I WILL move mountains with the Lord and defeat any ounce of anxiety that overcomes me!

    So there it is, my miniature shpill about my departure day (d-day thanks to my Pa). I'm no blogger, but blogging is something i'm very passionate cut me some slack when my grammar and/or use of posting tools fails. I'll be posting as often as I can so that others back home can get a taste of where my journey is taking me. Feel free to reach me by email, as this will be one of my main forms of communication while abroad. I love you. You rock. Bon Voyage.
 *This is my super-incredible-great-fantastic-strange-but-great best friend and travel companion who will be experiencing this journey with me!

Disclaimer---A.k.a a few things you should know

  • I talk about poop...sometimes too much my friends say, so don't expect not to see a few odd-n-end stories here or there about bodily functions
  • I love FOOD, and food loves me but a couple years ago I took a vow to treat my body with love and respect; therefore I strive to find clean foods or at least food that will benefit my body somehow. However, a splurges happen every now and then. I want to experience the country but I don't think going overboard is necessary. Expect lots of food pictures.
  • I talk about fitness...a lot..get over it
  • I love the Lord with all of my heart and I WILL be talking about Him in this blog
  • Shout outs to those I miss will happen, if I don't specifically name you well just don't go all cray-cray on me I guarantee I miss you too. 


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My life is an path that seems to bloom with every step I take. Here I am in the midst of a new season of travel beyond my wildest imagination. Seeing the world in a fresh pair of eyes. Perhaps things might seem a little greener.