Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Rebellion, Vinegar, and a Side of Castles


 I think it's safe to say that every site we visit continuously amazes me. So there is no sight of boredom in my future to say the least. I'm a little pooped today, so short on the "wordage" and heavy on the pictchas. How ya feel about that? Good, I thought you might like that.

   Sight one, 1798 Irish Rebellion Museum:

* Our tour guide was incredible, his light humor and clear obsession with Irish history made this tour smooth and there weren't even any signs of drooling or nodding off. GO TOUR GUIDE!
* This museum, remodeled just this past year, was packed full of nifty interactive exhibits and a storyline that played out like a movie.

Sight two, Vinegar Hill:

*sight two is actually more like part two of sight one. It is the actual sight of one of the most deadly battles of the Irish Rebellion. Chosen on the basis of it's convenient location for long sight range, Vinegar Hill holds not only rich history but one of the most remarkable views of the Irish countryside for miles around.

Our sweet program guide Olivia and program director Dan.

Sight three, Jamestown Castle:

*This was more of a literal "sight to see" complete with wandering peacocks and ornamental fountains, this castle was a picture perfect example of architecture of the era.

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My life is an path that seems to bloom with every step I take. Here I am in the midst of a new season of travel beyond my wildest imagination. Seeing the world in a fresh pair of eyes. Perhaps things might seem a little greener.