Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"Prettiest Notes Anywhere"

Lit final exam: great! :) Praise.

Lit final Journal grade: A+ Praise....."These are the prettiest notes anywhere!" -Professor Nick

Art Final: Eh, not too shabby. We shall see, but in other news I have received 100 on both major      projects for the class. So good or bath either way...Praise.

        Last night I didn't go to sleep until 4 a.m. Oh trust me, this was not by choice. It seems that same joint aches I was plagued with upon arrival have returned just in time for departure. I finally figured out the root of it though...THE WEATHER! The weather is the same as it was when we arrived - right before our heat wave attack. Now that the rain and high winds have returned so have the aches. Hello pressure. Seriously though, at this point the joy of coming home far outweighs achey shoulders and wrists.

                            And so it begins....packing.

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My life is an path that seems to bloom with every step I take. Here I am in the midst of a new season of travel beyond my wildest imagination. Seeing the world in a fresh pair of eyes. Perhaps things might seem a little greener.